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From Children of StarClan

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A Non-Player Character belonging to Kitsufox


A StarClanner; Formerly a Leader of RiverClan
A Tom by Ebonfur out of TornnoseBorn Greykit in the Moon of Long Sun (2003)* Joined StarClan in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2006)
Dead at the age of 44 moons (3 years & 5 months)
and has been so for 34 moons (2 years & 7 months).
Short Description :
A small gray-brown tabby tom, blind in the left eye and with a lame left hind-paw
Long Description :
Ashstar is a surprisingly small tom, his petite build leaning more towards that of a lean, well-muscled apprentice than that of a seasoned warrior and leader. His fur is a tabby mixture of grays, blacks, offwhite, and subtle hints of brown undertones. The fur itself is slightly shaggy, adding some to his size, but not overly bulky or long, and always carefully groomed.

His pale gold eyes bear a slight shade of green, giving his calm, steady gaze a hint of ferality left over from his wilder days as an apprentice and warrior. Ashstar's left hind paw is almost completely devoid of fur, the naked scar tissue a mottled blend of white and gray flesh. The wound healed over long ago, although he still walks with a slightly uneven gait from the lack of feeling in the paw pad.

Unusually, as most cats have translucent white claws, Ashstars are a charcoal grey, and surprisingly long when unsheathed. Aside from his mangled paw Ashstar is quite devoid of major scars, only a few bumps and scratches on his body, hidden by his fur, save for his right ear. Visible only from behind thanks to the long white fur lining the insides of his ears, a thick pinks scar can be seen through the much thinner gray fur on the back, left behind from a territory skirmish in which his lost his first life.
While in his kitten and apprentice years, Ashstar was a never-ending reservoir of energy and enthusiasm, age has calmed his restless spirit, and experience has slowed his biting wit and sarcasm. Even in his warrior years he was known to be a levelheaded, intelligent individual, with the ability to take neutral views in arguments between his clan mates. Able to see all points of view with an unbiased mind, Ashstar always puts the needs of a clan as a whole before those of an individual. As clan leader is his highly dutiful, forever mindful of the repercussions of his every action and comment, both in the clan and outside of it.

While before known as a berserker, and a compulsive tom, always wanting to fight those who argued with him, he is a much different cat now. Age as given him control of his anger and pride and tempered them with the voice of reason, although he is still a formidable opponent in battle, as well as a cunning and ruthless strategist.
Key Dates  
  • Returned to RiverClan as Ashpaw
Full History :
Born to a brindled female named Tornnose (a former rogue turned clan cat) in the early fall, he was born into the fringes of clan society. Tornnose was a fairly new addition to RiverClan at the time of his birth, and the she-cat was still very much in the dark about most of what went on. Her first pregnancy, she was scared, and despite earlier comments from the medicine cat at that time, Snoweyes, about coming to him at the time of the birthing, she fled. Tornnose disappeared for nearly a moon, the clan's warriors unable to follow her trail after it lead into Twolegger lands. When she was finally found on, tired, hungry, and transporting three young kittens, her tale was quite unusual.

Where she had denned, under a bramble bush by a twolegger home, had originally seemed to be quite safe. Although there were dogs and twolegger children about, they never seemed to pay her scents any attention, and they never even gave the bushes a second glance in passing. Tragedy struck, however, in the form of fire. A leaf pile, burning unattended, spread unchecked. Tornnose managed to get three kits away unharmed, and save a fourth - Greykit at the time - away with only smoke inhalation and a burn on his paw. The other kit in the litter was lost.

Clan life proved to be too much for Tornnose, and soon after the return of her litter she left, and returned to her life as a loner. A queen, Tallfrost, who had lost all but one of her litter to greencough, nursed them. Greykit, upon his apprenticing ceremony, was renamed Ashpaw, after his brush with fire and his seemingly fitting smoke colored claws. He was apprenticed to Tawnypelt, an older warrior who would later become Clan deputy with the death of the old one, a large she-cat named Stripetail. Near the end of his apprenticing, something that took longer than usual due to Ashpaw's partial handicap, tragedy once again stuck, and this time in the form of a monster. Ashpaw and his adoptive sister, Swiftpaw, were exploring the Thunderpath, having successfully left the camp under the guise of fetching juniper for the medicine cat. Ashpaw was struck by a monster, and stolen away by the Twoleggers than emerged from its belly.

He was taken to a vet, treated for the shattered ribs and punctured lung he had suffered, as well as his lamed hindpaw. He recovered in the Twoleggers nest, slowly becoming used to the larger creatures presence. Renamed Umber by the young couple, he stayed with them for nearly six moons, and in that span of time his Clan had pronounced him dead, and the mourning of his loss had long been over. When he finally managed to escape back to his Clan, it was with great shock from his littermates, who had all become warriors in the span of his absence. He resumed his apprenticeship, the final moon or so of his training passing quickly due to the improved mobility of his hindpaw. Ashstar, to this day, credits StarClan with the miracle of his hindpaw, believing that the temporary pain of his ribs was a small price to pay for the better quality of life he now enjoys.

Tawnypelt was a good warrior, but inexperienced in the ways of diplomacy, and it soon became that Ashclaw, as he was dubbed by the old leader, became his unofficial counsel. It seemed only fitting that with Tawnypelt's accession to leadership, and then his later passing after multiple brushes with illness and infected injuries, Ashclaw became Ashstar.

Ashstar lost a life to Bloodstar at a Gathering due to a dispute over the Markedkit, although the wounds he caused made Bloodstar lose a life to infection. Later, at the age of fourty-four moons, Ashstar lost his remaining lives to Sair Fen the Fisher, who tore him apart on the ninth day of the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2006).
Sire :
Ebonfur (A black tom with white feet)
Dame :
Tornnose (A brindled she-cat with a scarred nose)
Full Siblings :
Hawkstar (A pale gold eyed brown tabby tom)
Scrape (A stocky brown tabby she-cat with a twice-broken tail)
Tigercoat (A solid brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a scarred pelt)
Other Family :
Nurse Mother: Tallfrost (A brown pointed, aging she-cat of vague oriental build)

Adoptive Sibling: Crowfur (A black tom with amber eyes, a fluffy tail and graying muzzle)
Pebblepaw (A gray spotted tabby tom with large paws and hazel eyes)
Shadedstrike (A gray tabby smoke bi-color tom with dark gold eyes)

Niece: Silverlark (A gray tabby she-cat with green eyes)
Offspring :
Duckfeather (A young blue-eyed pale-coated calico she-cat with white feet, belly and throat)

Heronflight (A mostly brown tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes)
Strongheart (A young dark red tabby tom with amber eyes)

Smallkit (A half-sized tortoiseshell tabby tom-kit)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Foxpoppy (A sweet, gentle orange tabby she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes)
Mentor :
Tawnystar (No Sdesc on File)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
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Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Ashstar
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details