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From Children of StarClan

(draft page for Chicory; sorry if this isn't the correct way to go about this)
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Revision as of 03:02, 18 May 2017

Chicory is Not Yet Approved to Appear in Role Play
Please refrain from using it until such time as the herb is finalized and approved by an Administrator.

Navigation: Index - Clan Cats - Medicine Cat Training - Medicinal Herbal - Chicory

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Noimage.png Cat Given Name: Chicory
Common Name: Chicory
Other Name(s):
Description: Chicory is a perennial plant that grows 2-3 feet tall. While its branches may stretch some distance from the main stalk, its leaves grow sparsely and cluster close to the earth. The stem is thick, lightly-fuzzed, and a vivid green. The flowers, which bloom in late summer through late fall, usually appear in clusters of 3-4 and are an eye-catching pale blue. It flourishes along paths, among rocks, and in dry fields.
Properties: Chicory is useful for digestive complaints as it is both diuretic and detoxifying, can stimulate appetite, and is mild enough for even the very young or very old provided it is used sparingly. It can also be used to combat swelling and inflammation. It shares most of its properties with dandelion and can be used as a substitute in most situations.
Related Knowledge
Complaints: Fleas
Symptoms: Constipation,  Inflammation,  Poor Condition,  Loss of Appetite,  Sleeplessness
Local Availabilities *
Group Seasons ^ Details
Icon-tc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Found in the Sunningrocks and Snakerocks, along the Rockpath, and by the edges of the Thunderpath.
Icon-rc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Grows abundantly in the fields, especially along the Rockpath.
Icon-wc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Found abundantly throughout the territory.
Icon-sc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Grows in drier parts of the territory, particularly areas adjacent to the Thunderpath.
Icon-cl.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Found in most meadows, pastures and gardens.
Icon-coc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Often cultivated in gardens
Icon-cc.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall-no.png Icon-winter-no.png Found in most meadows, pastures and gardens.
*To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
Collecting & Storing a Plant Part
When to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Preserve : Coming Soon
How to Store : Coming Soon
Detailed Usage Information
Part : Coming Soon
Detailed Usage Information

Cache usage

No cache available.

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