

From Children of StarClan

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DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Complaint: Burn
Human Equivalent: Burn, Sunburn, First Degree Burn/Superficial Partial Thickness Burn (mild case), Second Degree Burn/Deep Partial Thickness Burn (moderate case), Third Degree Burn/Full Thickness Burn (severe case)
Description: A burn is an injury to the skin produced by flame, lightning, overexposure to sunlight, or any other contact with heat. Severity of the injury depends on the depth of the burn.

Note: The severity levels reflect the following:

Mild indicates burns that have damaged only the surface of the skin.
Symptoms of superficial burns include redness of skin; slight inflammation; mild pain or pain; and itchiness around the burn site; and scaly, flaky, and/or peeling skin. Fur may be still intact, singed, or even missing.
Moderate indicates burns that extend down to deeper skin levels.
These burns are marked by blistering in addition to redness. Fur is no longer attached at the burn site, different skin layers may be exposed, and skin may appear wet and splotchy. Patient is at risk of infection, dehydration, and shock. Patient will experience severe pain. A fever may be present.
Severe indicates burns that have destroyed all skin levels and damaged flesh beneath, sometimes penetrating down to muscle, fat, and/or bone.
Skin may be white and waxy, leathery, blackened, or charred. Fur loss is definite around burn site. Symptoms may include loss of sensation around the burn site, fever, infection, dehydration, and shock. Within 24 hours of receiving such a burn, patients generally slip into a coma. Death rates for severe cases are extremely high.
Duration: Mild: The burn should be completely healed within 3-6 days.
Moderate: Infection will become apparent within 2 days.

An uninfected burn should be completely healed within 2-3 quartermoons.

Severe: Infection will become apparent within 2 days.

Even if the patient survives, the healing time of a severe burn is long and grueling; it will take more than 1 moon before permanent damage can be assessed.

Treatment: Mild:
  • Firstly, soak the burn in cool water for a minimum of 5 minutes to provide relief as well as to reduce heat and swelling.
  • Treat the burn with herbs to promote healing and to reduce and prevent pain, dryness, and swelling.
  • Loosely bandage the burn for the next 24 hours to protect it and keep air away from it.

Once the burn has been treated, the patient may return to light duty, though the herbs should be reapplied daily until the wound has healed.

  • Firstly, soak burn in cool water for 15 minutes.
  • Wet Kit's Ear or other herbs that are suitable for bandaging, then place on burn for a few minutes.
  • Remove wet bandages, then treat burn with herbs to promote healing, prevent infection, and to reduce and prevent pain, dryness, swelling, and fever. Honey is particularly useful for soothing and promoting healing of a burn.
  • Loosely cover the burn with dry bandages.
  • Orally treat the patient for the severe pain.

Repeat the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th step daily until the wound has healed completely. Repeat the 5th step as needed. For up to 1 quartermoon, keep patient still, with the burn site elevated above the heart. To keep the patient hydrated, he or she should lay in shade with plenty of water to lap. During the first couple of days, the medicine cat should monitor for signs of infection. As the burn will itch while it heals, the patient should be warned against scratching or rubbing it. Do not break open any blisters, as this will increase risk of infection. Once patient has been healed of blisters and severe pain, he or she may return to light duty. The patient should be able to resume normal duty when all pain and inflammation has gone.

  • Soak burn in cool water for at least 30 minutes.

Otherwise, treat as with moderate case burns. If patient falls into a coma, then medicine cat may choose to make the victim as comfortable as possible, feed patient on prey-blood, and continue treatment in the distant hope that the patient will awaken. However, euthanasia via consumption of the deathberry may be the best option.

Residual Effects: Mild: Itchiness, Mild Inflammation, & Mild to Moderate Pain for 2-4 days.

Itchiness & Contact Sensitivity to burn site for an additional 1 or 2 days.

Moderate: Severe Pain, Inflammation & Blistering for up to 1 quartermoon.

Mild to Moderate Pain & Mild Inflammation for an additional 2-7 days. Contact Sensitivity to the burn site for an additional quartermoon or less.

Severe: Surviving cats will often be left with thick, painful scar(s) that inhibit movement.
Possible Complications: Mild: Low possibility of any complications.
Moderate: Moderate possibility of an infection taking hold. If the burn does become infected, then the wound has become potentially fatal.
Severe: Almost all severe burns are fatal.
Notes: White, light-colored, or thin-pelted cats are susceptible to burns caused by sunlight, especially on or around their ears, eyes, and nose.

As death is nearly certain for severe cases of burns, a survival of such burns will need the approval of an administrator.

Related Herbs: Daisy,  Chervil,  Horsetail,  Celandine,  Chickweed,  Comfrey,  Little Daisy,  Kit's Ear,  Marigold,  Alder,  Borage,  Burdock,  Catnip,  Chamomile,  Poppy,  Thyme,  Yarrow,  Feverfew,  Willow,  Yellow Dock,  Red Dock,  Coriander,  Sage,  Raspberry,  Honey,  Goldenrod,  Colts Foot,  Dandelion
Related Symptoms: Severe Pain,  Infection,  Inflammation,  Pain,  Itch,  Fever