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From Children of StarClan

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Revision as of 13:17, 30 May 2017


A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of ThunderClan
A She-cat by Bloodstar out of CottonwhiskerBorn Bramblekit in the Moon of Melting Waters (2007)
Living at the age of 31 Moons (2 years & 5 months)
Short Description :
A blue-eyed caramel and brown she-cat with a pale underside and primal tabby markings
Long Description :
Speckledfury's bloodline has come through quite clearly, especially after entering adulthood. She shares many traits with her father, grandfather, and great-grandfather in terms of body shape and size. Though not as sleek and angled as she could be, she still has the look of an Abyssinian. She has come into her tall adult size and is long-legged and very slender. Her face is angular, with big, triangular ears, coupled with the large bright blue eyes of her mother. Her fur isn't the average of a Clan cat's, and is rather unusual altogether. While her sleek, slightly-longer-than-the norm fur is ticked, a darker band starts from the top of her head down the line of her back as well as her tail. The fur color itself is a blurry mixture of cream and caramel tortie, which the ticking blends even more, leaving a faint appearance of what almost seems to be spots. The fur on her chin, chest, and belly evens out to a tawny brown, and darker brown tabby stripes bar her lower legs and face, with the distinct mackerel tabby M on her forehead.
Speckledfury, although Fierceblooded at heart, has grown up with the traits, but they aren't displayed exactly like they are in her famously Fierceblooded father and older sister. She still shows the basic traits: determination, assertiveness, loyalty, aggressiveness, strict belief in the warriors' Code, a prejudice against the other clans, and a certain hint of insanity. She has memory clear as water, much like her father. She can give off the initial impression of being quite hot-blooded, and this is often found to be true, though she is not as physically violent as others within her family. The young she-cat spends a lot of time thinking about many different scenarios, realistic or not. She is an opinionated, knowledgeable she-cat—despite her distaste for other Clans, she is unlike her father and thinks conversing with them at Gatherings is a smart idea, to learn sensitive information a cat might let slip. Speckledfury has always felt she had more of a leader role, with her family connections and dominant personality from the start. The warrioress has less of a tendency to attack cats on a go, first deciding to insult with her sardonic humor before taking any other action. Her ability to debate and argue is used often to get points and thoughts across, rather than brute force.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Bramblekit was born with her two other sisters in late leaf-bare, the night of the Medicine Cat's meeting in Melting Waters. She was born to the leader and deputy of her clan, Bloodstar and Cottonwhisker. Her first few moons in the deep of leafbare were uneventful to the young kit, who thrived off of visits from her father and siblings, especially Hopestorm, whom she shared a very similar personality with. She naturally learned how to deal with her sister's disability with little awkwardness compared to her parents and very much liked Nightmoth, then Mothkit from the beginning, although she could be a bit of a 'party-pooper' at times.

Spring and her third moon brought with it a very unwanted surprise. Alderkit, the kit sent from StarClan, although unknown to Bramblekit, was taken in by Cottonwhisker. Bramblekit was forced to accept the kit as her 'sister' although she decided that she wasn't and never could be, just scum whose loner parents didn't want her. She knew better than to speak such thoughts aloud, but could always find a brief moment of alone time (well, not really, as she was a kit, and kits must always be watched—so alone time constituted as “when Cottonwhisker was talking to someone else”) to grumble about the 'ugly, mottled thing' under her breath. There was also the task of making sure none of what other cats in the nursery heard her, so naturally sometimes she was caught and scolded. These little speeches of respecting her parents' decisions did not affect her opinion of Alderkit much, but it served to make her smarter about where and who to speak with about certain things.

On the 6th day of Lion's Glory, Bramblekit awoke to the greatest news heard so far in her young life: she was becoming an apprentice. Bloodstar bestowed her with the name Speckledpaw, honoring her maternal grandmother, and apprenticed her under her beloved older sister, Hopestorm.

Her life as an apprentice was rather uneventful. ThunderClan was not involved in anything very dramatic, so she just went on with her duties, training, and messing with Alderpaw, whom Speckledpaw had been older than in terms of apprenticeship, which she had felt a bit smug about. Unfortunately—or it was unfortunate in her opinion, anyway, she never got the chance to truly snap at Alderpaw. She was very aware of the importance of training and put all her effort into it, to feed and protect her Clan; and perhaps on some level of childishness, she wanted to please her father and Hopestorm as well.

She spent a lot of time with her niece Owlpaw and young nephew, Duskkit, while trying not to fade away from her two sisters in the medicine cat den.

As she approached becoming a warrior, she tried to act more mature but often slipped from it at times. The young cat much looked forward for when she received her name, so she could do actual duties and be looked upon as an adult for once, and worked to prove her worth.

After finally being made a warrior, she tried her best not to be forgotten by her two Medicine Cat sisters, however this drive lessened. She understood that they could take care of themselves just fine, and what was more, they were ThunderClanners and Medicine Cats. What more did they need to be competent?

Never having stopped her 'quest' of sorts to be a valuable member of ThunderClan, her prejudice against other Clans and non-Clanners intensified, and she became more determined than ever to unveil some juicy, Clan-shattering secret that her father Bloodstar could use to ThunderClan's advantage. She also found that taunting her opponent before she attacks them—which has always been something she did as if it was second-nature—has proven to be more useful than she thought. It could be a distraction to give her an opening, and she took great relish in it.

Also as a warrior, she finally gained a bit of the respect she had been craving as an apprentice—even if it was given to her just for the sake of being a warrior. Otherwise, she was not treated much differently because she was young. As mentioned before, Speckledfury had always and would most likely continue to always view herself as a natural leader, and on a subconscious level felt most cats should adhere to this; failure to do so on others' parts irritated her.

Needless to say, she never missed a chance to ridicule a non-ThunderClanner.

Her relationship with Alderleaf never seemed to improve as time bore on from Speckledfury's point of view, and though Speckledfury's felt a sense of obligation to hold her tongue in order to be a proper adult warrior, she occasionally pointed out rather sharply to her adoptive sister just 'who she really is,' and 'where her blood stems from,' and quite honestly, seriously did not trust the other she-cat to do anything right. After all, Alderleaf was just non-ThunderClan scum.

Being the daughter of ThunderClan's leader and former deputy had its perks, and Speckledfury became very conscious of this as she aged, but she knew she would have to wait before the benefits of it truly began taking shape for her.
Sire :
Bloodstar (A huge, foul tempered tom with blood red fur)
Dame :
Cottonwhisker (A petite cream and gray calico she-cat with sky blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Nightmoth (A blind caramel and brown patched she-cat with subtle tabby markings)
Sparrowsong (A gray she-cat with brownish cast, pale underside and primal tabby markings)
Maternal Siblings
Rosestorm (A longhaired torbie she-cat with brilliant green eyes)
Paternal Siblings :
Hopestorm (An amber-eyed ruddy-fawn she-cat with a pale underside and tattered ear)
Fiercestar (A level-headed large blue-gray tom with amber eyes)
Other Family :
Adoptive Sister: Alderleaf (A brown mackerel torbie she-cat with pale yellow eyes)

Paternal Aunt: Ruddyback (A stubborn red and tan she-cat with yellow-green eyes)

Foxbright (A rich red tabby van tom with one amber and one green eye)
Smokedrift (A dark gray tabby tom with dark green eyes)
Tigerpaw (A young semi-longhaired blue tom with a pale underside and green eyes)
Niece: Owlstrike (A blue tabby van she-cat with hazel eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Speckledfury Bloodstar Socrates (An aging purebreed sorrel Abyssinian tom with dark gold eyes)
Gingertail (A graying ginger tabby she-cat with gold eyes)
Cottonwhisker Ravenfur (A black and white tom with amber eyes)
Speckledstream (A dilute van torbie she-cat with blue eyes)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Hopestorm (An amber-eyed ruddy-fawn she-cat with a pale underside and tattered ear)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Speckledfury
Litter Record :
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Speckledfury has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Speckledfury is a Female cat with Short Dilute Tortie Ticked Tabby fur.
She is of Large size and Semi-foreign build. She has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. She is quarter Abyssinian.
Speckledfury Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
Aa CC Bbl dd ss ww Ll ReRe RR RoRo sese whwh Mcmc Tata Spsp Dmdm ii Oo GlGl mm cucu jbjb fdfd pdpd
Speckledfury Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)