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From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 14:55, 4 August 2008 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
Children of StarClan: Champions of the Forest is a Play-By-Post Role Playing Game set in Erin Hunter's Warriors universe.
In this alternate-verse, the happenings of either book series don't exist, and players are free to create a Clan Cat, Kitty-pet, or Loner in a world where the kittypet once known as Rusty never set foot into the forest.
Without infringing un-justly on Erin Hunter's characters, Children of StarClan seeks to put together the highest quality Warriors Role Play experience possible.

Current: First Green (RL: 14 Mar 2008)
Gathering Thread
Next: Running Prey (RL: ?? ??? 2008)
File:CoSC-almanac.gif File:CoSC-mcmeetings.gif
Current: Running Prey (RL: 26 Apr 2008)
MC's Meeting Thread
Next: Unnamed Blue (RL: ?? ??? 2008)
The Moon of First Green ended on 31 March of 2008.
The Moon of Running Prey began on the 1st of April 2008 and will Officially continue through the month of June 2008.
Players should continue to RP the Moon of Running Prey while Kitsu gets her life sorted out and the next Moon's weather laid.
As Green-leaf dawns and the cold of Leaf-bare fades the majority of clan cats enjoy the warming sun on the fur. For some cats, however, spring has dawned with a strange sickness that sucks the strength from limbs and the will to live from cats. Young kits are being born and raised in a world where Medicine Cats grow worried of the illness that refuses to respond to the herbs and healing they offer.

Even in the midst of this Killingcough and the Dark Prophecies that abound surrounding it there is hope for the future. This hope is packed into the bodies of four kits StarClan guided the paws of the Medicine Cats to. Thunder-struck Alderkit, River-born Walnutkit, Wind-blown Rowankit, and Shadowed Aspenkit have each found a home in one of the four clans.
The day to day adventures of ThunderClan cats grow more complicated at each turn, with the addition of Alderkit. The prophesised Kit is the second to be adopted by Cottonwhisker in her lifetime, and the second to arise during Bloodstar's reign. In addition to the new Kit patrols have scented ShadowClan trespasses into ThunderClan lands.
Inside the RiverClan camps walls, a certain amount of tension remains after Foxpoppy's removal of her kits from the nursery, some of it coming from the kits themselves. Meanwhile, the day before the Gathering, Duskystar plunged to his death on a dangerous fishing expedition, causing Hawkmoth to rise to the rank of leader, appointing the cat Wetfur deputy in his place.
Medicine Cat
Med. Cat Apprentice
Medicine Cat
Med. Cat Apprentice
Blackstar's early leadership has gone fairly well, the biggest issue being the sickness spreading around the Clan a bit more. WindClan now has a new warrior, and a new medicine cat, Sparrowflight and Brightsky respectively. His first gathering is bound to be a very interesting one, with him announcing Doublestar's death, his leadership, his new deputy and the news of the newly named cats. It also appears that he has some ideas as to the running of the Clan, but it should take some time before those are put into motion.
ShadowClan is mourning the recent death of their deputy Ravenwing, who starved herself so the Clan would have enough to eat. In Ravenwing's place, Whitestar has had senior warrior Elmcloud appointed as the new deputy of ShadowClan. Meanwhile, three kits in the Nursery are reaching apprenticing age.
Medicine Cat
Med. Cat Apprentice
Medicine Cat
Med. Cat Apprentice
Now that winter has broken the self-proclaimed King of the Realm of Camelot, Pendragon I, has caused a fuss amoungst the domestic feline set with stirring words and promisises of greatness.
Meanwhile, the Feral and Semi-feral cats enjoy improved huntings and a sense of security with the dangerous weasle-beast slain by humans and a pack of savage hounds.
Pendragon I's first formal session of Court has come to a close, and five cats have decided to pick up his banner as pages. Plato and Maelstrom, while having their doubts, consider page-hood more interesting than the alternatives. Serendipity, Horus, and Seraphina, however, have taken up the name of their new king with much more enthusiasm.
Currently None