

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 20:26, 25 May 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Kitsufox--Alder.gif Cat Given Name: Alder
Common Name: Alder
Other Name(s):
Description: The leaves of this tree are deciduous, alternate, simple, and serrated. The flowers are catkins with elongate male catkins on the same plant as shorter female catkins, often before leaves appear. They differ from the birches (Betula, the other genus in the family) in that the female catkins are woody and do not disintegrate at maturity, opening to release the seeds in a similar manner to many conifer cones.
Properties: May be used to reduce and prevent swelling, pain, and prevent infection.
Related Knowledge
Complaints: Broken Bone (Open),  Fleas,  Snakebite,  Burn,  Abrasion
Symptoms: Inflammation,  Infection,  Pain,  Flea Bites,  Abrasions
Local Availabilities *
Group Seasons ^ Details
Icon-tc.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png In woods near the River Offshoot.
Icon-rc.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png In woods near the River.
Icon-wc-no.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall-no.png Icon-winter-no.png Alder is not found in WindClan Lands
Icon-sc.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png In woods near swampy areas.
Icon-cl.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png Beyond the Western Farms in woods along the River's edge.
Icon-coc-no.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall-no.png Icon-winter-no.png Alder is not found in the Kingdom of Camelot
Icon-cc.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png In forested spaces near the river.
*To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
Collecting & Storing a Plant Part
When to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Preserve : Coming Soon
How to Store : Coming Soon
Detailed Usage Information
Part : Coming Soon
Part : Coming Soon
| colspan="3" style="background-color: #5e5a5a; text-align: center; color: #f9f9f9; font-size: smaller;" | Collecting & Storing Leaves
| width="24%" style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | When to Collect
| width="1%" valign="top" | :
| width="75%" | Greenleaf to early Leaf-bare
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Collect
| valign="top" | :
|| Pluck the leaves of healthy green coloration from the branches of the tree.
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Preserve
| valign="top" | :
|| Lay the leaves in the sun so that they may dry quickly.
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Store
| valign="top" | :
|| Store in loose piles in a dry, cool place.

Cache usage

No cache available.

Pages of concept "Alder"

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