

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 18:54, 31 May 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)

A Non-Player Character belonging to Kazul


A StarClanner; Formerly a Deputy of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Whispermist out of DawnleafBorn Fogkit in the Moon of Unnamed Blue (2005)* Died in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2008)
Dead at the age of 40 moons (3 years & 1 month)
and has been so for 10 moons (9 months).
Short Description :
A pale gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes and a trio of scars on her ribs
Long Description :
Fogdancer is a light-footed pale-gray tabby she-cat. Her eyes are full-moon-large and -yellow, like her mother's. Her whiskers may appear long at some angles, because of her narrow head. She has fluffy fur of medium length, which forms a slight ruff at her throat and bushes out at her tail. Fogdancer is of an average-leaning-towards-small size, although the thickness of her fur may make her seem larger than she is. Her ears are of usual size, but the left one has a shallow V-split in the outer edge from an apprenticehood fight. There is also a set of three scars across her ribs on the right side.
Fogdancer, while not exactly describable as talkative, does do her share of friendly conversation. She is somewhere in the middle between withdrawn and outgoing, being willing to talk, but not the kind of cat to chatter on and on. She likes to listen to others speak just as well as she likes speaking herself. She makes few close friends, but they are fast friends.

Fogdancer likes to think herself courageous, though she's had few chances to prove herself. Her feelings can be easily hurt by unthinking remarks, and her trust, once lost, is hard to regain. She is somewhat anxious, and dislikes having all attention focused on her. She enjoys hunting, especially when with her friends. She is usually peaceable within her Clan, but will put up no argument to open violence against other Clans, when so instructed.

Now that she has become deputy of her Clan, Fogdancer has been forced to gain a good deal of self-confidence. At the outset, she was greatly chagrined by Elmstar's decision to trust her with such a position, but now she is gradually getting used to her new title and responsibilities.

Marshhawk's death shook her for a brief, initial moment as she was faced with his dead body in the camp entrance; however, Fogdancer quickly made a decision: she would not let herself be broken by this loss. After all, really, she hadn't known Marshhawk that well; and she has chosen to be strong for her Clan and, now, her kits.

Although she loves her offspring dearly, she feels defensive of her relatively-new post as deputy and is anxious to return to her duties as soon as possible.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Fogkit and her brother Graykit were born to proud parents, their father Whispermist, their mother Dawnleaf. Both warriors were rather past their prime, and so when the two kits left the nursery, Dawnleaf and her mate decided to retire together to the elders' den.

Graykit was the quintessential brother, being loud and boisterous enough to give his mother headaches. He romped around as soon as he was old enough, and caused no end of annoyance with his schemes. Fogkit alternatively went along with him or avoided him, managing to stay out of trouble---mostly.

When apprenticed, to an over-eager first-time mentor, Fogpaw took a step away from her brother and began to make her own friends. She did well at most tasks set to her, especially those of stealth and quick maneuvers, and her mentor enjoyed putting her through her paces. When battle instruction began, she had an initial reluctance to hurt another cat--- a reluctance which vanished utterly when Graypaw nipped her nose with his claws in their first mock-battle. When the time came, she and her brother both took their warrior names proudly.

Graypaw became Graycloud, and Fogpaw was named Fogdancer, for her grace and skill of movement. She was a good hunter, and still is, and liked going on long hunting patrols with almost any other cat in the Clan.

Because of the tense peace that existed between the Clans at the time, she saw little action during the first few moons of her warriorhood. However, only a moon ago, her brother Graycloud strayed too close to the Thunderpath while hunting, and was hit and killed by a monster. Because her relationship with Graycloud had lessened during both apprentice- and warriorhood, Fogdancer did not have much grief to get through, and today she bears very little sadness on Graycloud's behalf.

Of late, she has begun to gravitate towards the younger warrior Marshhawk. The two have had disagreements in the past, and Marshhawk continues to perplex Fogdancer, yet she still finds herself inclined to seek his company. The two can often be found hunting or simply walking together, speaking of nothing in particular.

Elmstar named her his deputy on the twenty-seventh day of the moon of Long Nights, after an incident which left Lionheart unable to perform his duties. With her promotion came another unexpected happening -- her relationship with Marshhawk went deeper. She found herself expecting his kits.

Their relationship might have gone deeper still had not Marshhawk finally pushed himself too far, driven by a desire to be worthy of siring kits. His body was found on the twenty-second day of Melting Waters, only a few days before her due date.

Now, saddled with her two kits, Fogdancer has been temporarily forced out of her new-found deputy duties.
Sire :
Whispermist (A pale gray tabby tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Dawnleaf (A longhaired tortoiseshell she-cat with yellow eyes)
Full Siblings :
Graycloud (A gray tabby tom with green eyes) (deceased)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Bearshine (A dark brown tabby tom with white legs and pale amber eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Fogdancer
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Fogdancer has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Fogdancer is a Female cat with Mid-length Gray Mackerel Tabby fur.
She is of Medium-small size and Common build. She has Yellow eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.
Fogdancer Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
Aa CC BB dd ss ww Ll ReRe RR RoRo sese whwh McMc tata spsp dmdm ii oo GlGl mm cucu jbjb fdfd pdpd
Fogdancer Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)