
Willow/Character Factoids/Archive

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This page is an archive of Willow's character factoids, from the characters that have since moved on to other players, died or are somewhere in between. (It is badly in need of an update.)


Original Characters

Since joining CoSC in May 2006, Willow has created several original characters.

  • Flamesong: Flamesong was the first character Willow created for CoSC.
  • Kemintiri: Born from her player's love of the Tonkinese breed and Egyptian history, Kemintiri was the first domestic cat Willow created at CoSC.
  • Robin: First featured on Nagini's character Reynard's history, Robin filled in Willow's feral/semi-feral slot.

Adopted Characters

Willow is known in CoSC for adopting several abandoned characters. In her record are the adoptions of Oakclaw (then Slashpaw), Crowfur, Thornpelt and Cottonwhisker, in chronological order.

  • Cottonwhisker: Previously played by Kazul, Cottonwhisker was left behind when the player left the game.
  • Crowfur: Once played by Hawkfur, Crowfur never saw much in character action. He was in the Homeless Shelter when Willow joined CoSC.
  • Oakclaw: Adopted even before Willow's first original character (Flamesong) was accepted, Oakclaw had once been played by Silverleaf.
  • Ravenpaw: Ravenpaw was once played by Leopardtrack, as Birdkit, before being adopted by Shard. Willow adopted him in October 2008.
  • Thornpelt: Thornpelt was once played by the player of the same name. In the first few months of CoSC, his original player left the game, and Thornpelt became Kazul's NPC. He was up for adoption during the Summer of 2006, and Willow tried out for him.

Character Trivia


  • Willow adopted Cottonwhisker as a temporary affair, to keep activity up in ThunderClan. However, she soon got deeply attached to the character, and the adoption turned definitive even before Cottonwhisker became ThunderClan deputy.
  • The circumstances in which Kazul originally left the game caused Cottonwhisker's relationship with Bloodstar (and the whole of ThunderClan) to become sorely threatened. When Willow adopted the character, she underwent joint work with Kitsufox to mend their relationship.
    • Both due to the previous point and the first part of their names, the Bloodstar x Cottonwhisker relationship became unofficially known as "Bandaide".
  • In regards to characters other than those listed in her character sheet, Cottonwhisker is:


  • At Gamestart, Crowfur had an extended PC family; the prospect of playing a RiverClan tom in such conditions was an interesting opportunity.
  • While a 50-moon-old feral cat is not exactly young, Willow considers Crowfur to have aged prematurely. Throughout his life, he has lost many close friends and relatives, and grief and hardships have taken their toll.
    • Crowfur was the first CoSC character to become an elder in character.
  • In regards to characters other than those listed in his character sheet, Crowfur is:


  • Flamesong's appearance is partially based on the looks of one of Willow's characters elsewhere.
  • Her dramatic past is something her player would avoid nowadays; however, it enables Willow to create an evolving personality. Flamesong is eager to prove herself to her clan - and most of all, to herself.
    • Flamesong's kithood and her obsessive behavior led her to be extremely protective of Eagleflight, and strained her relationships in ThunderClan, including with her mate Rivertail.
  • In regards to characters other than those listed in her character sheet, Flamesong is:


  • Kemintiri's name has no specific meaning, other than having an Egyptian sound. Its origin lies on a vampire from White Wolf's trading card game Vampire: the Eternal Struggle.
    • Ankhesenaten, her sire, takes his name from another White Wolf game, this time a roleplaying game: Vampire: the Dark Ages. Ankhesenaten means He Who Lives For The Sun God.
    • Mre-Ba, her dame, also takes her name from Vampire: the Dark Ages. Mre-Ba means Beloved Soul; another form of the word, Meribah, translates as Temptation.
  • Kemintiri belongs to the Saqqara cattery, which specializes in Tonkinese felines. Saqqara is the name of the location of one of the first step pyramids in Egypt.
  • Kemintiri's views on blood purity and her childish behavior reveal a personality younger than her physical age; pampered and sheltered, she has retained many kithood characteristics in her adulthood.
  • In regards to characters other than those listed in her character sheet, Kemintiri is:


  • Oakclaw was adopted as Slashpaw; with CoSC's views on game coherence, the chance of playing an apprentice with PC family was highly attractive.
  • As Oakclaw grew up, Willow noted the similarities between him and Rosestorm of ThunderClan; from there to asking Kole and Kitsufox about the possibilities of an interClan relationship plot was just a small step.


  • With the eminent retirement of Thornpelt as medicine cat, the opportunity to adopt Ravenpaw at the site change presented itself. After a study of the character and deciding she liked his personality, Willow decided to try out for him.
  • In regards to characters other than those listed in his character sheet, Ravenpaw is:


  • Robin is notably naïve and innocent, despite her travels.
  • A spinner of tales, she gives Willow the opportunity to weave new stories into the forest world.


  • By Kitsufox's suggestion, Willow applied for him in the summer of 2006. The successful adoption marked the beginning of her time as a CoSC Staff member.


It is impossible to create a complete list of the etymology of Willow's characters, since several of them were adopted (thus resulting on little to no knowledge, on Willow's part, about the reason for those names). Therefore, the following listing contemplates only characters whose name changes occurred when Willow played them, or name changes she knows the reason for.


  • Flamekit and Flamepaw - For her coloring.
  • Flamesong - For her crackling moods.


  • Kemintiri - After the Vampire: the Masquerade character by the same name.


  • Oakkit - For the coloring of his pelt.
  • Oakclaw - After his sire Fourclaw and his apprentice name, Slashpaw.


  • Ravenpaw - After the former ShadowClan deputy Ravenwing and his kit name, Birdkit.
  • Ravenblink - After his grandaunt by mating Fernblink and his dame Blacksight, along with his mirror-like eyes.


  • Robin - After Robin Hood and the bird by the same name.


Willow's PC characters can be grouped as follows, according to their genes:

  • Black based: 7 (63.6%)
  • Red based: 2 (18.2%)
  • Tortie based: 2 (18.2%)
  • Undiluted: 8 (72.7%)
  • Dilute: 3 (27.3%)
  • Full color: 10 (90.9%)
  • Mink: 1 (9.1%)
  • Shorthair: 11 (100%)
  • Agouti: 5 (45.5%)
  • Non-agouti: 6 (54.5%)
  • No white spotting: 6 (54.5%)
  • Low white spotting: 5 (45.5%)

Eye color

While CoSC does not attribute genetics to the eye color of cats, Willow also compiled a list of percentages regarding that aspect of her PC characters:

  • Amber: 4 (36.4%)
  • Blue: 4 (36.4%)
  • Green: 2 (18.2%)
  • Hazel: 1 (9.1%)