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Navigation: Index - Clan Cats - Medicine Cat Training - Medicinal Herbal - Goldenseal

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Noimage.png Cat Given Name: Goldenseal
Common Name: Goldenseal
Other Name(s):
Description: Goldenseal is a herbaceous perennial that grows about a foot high. The plant has a thick yellow root, and a flowering stem that blooms into small three-petaled, green-white flowers. A single bright red, inedible fruit that grows at the bottom of the large wide leaf, resembling that of an oblong raspberry.
Properties: Infections, both internal and external, can be treated through the use of Goldenseal. It aids in complaints and symptoms caused by stomach infection such as diareah. Due to its astringency it can be used to staunch bleeding after birth.
Related Knowledge
Complaints: Pregnancy (Unwanted)
Symptoms: Congestion,  Inflammation,  Eye Irritation,  Sore Throat,  Flea Bites,  Nausea
Local Availabilities *
Group Seasons ^ Details
Icon-tc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png Thunderpath Clearing, in the damp ditches, as well as the East Forest.
Icon-rc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png The South field, near the Marshland.
Icon-wc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png Damp ditches or around the river's edge.
Icon-sc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png The Heathlands Tree line, also in ares of the Heathlands.
Icon-cl.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png Damp ditches or marshy areas with thick undergrowth.
Icon-coc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png Damp ditches along Thunderpaths and tree lines.
Icon-cc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter.png In the Herb Garden.
*To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
Collecting & Storing a Plant Part
When to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Collect : Coming Soon
How to Preserve : Coming Soon
How to Store : Coming Soon
Detailed Usage Information
Part : Coming Soon
| colspan="3" style="background-color: #5e5a5a; text-align: center; color: #f9f9f9; font-size: smaller;" | Collecting & Storing Roots
| width="24%" style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | When to Collect
| width="1%" valign="top" | :
| width="75%" | Leaf-fall
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Collect
| valign="top" | :
|| In order to get the best use of the roots, the Goldenseal plant should be around the age of three-years. This will be determined by a pair of leaves positioned alternately on the stalk (younger plants only have a single stem). Dig into the soil around the plant, gently revealing the roots. Once revealed, push gently out of the dirt in order to release the roots.
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Preserve
| valign="top" | :
|| Lay in the sun to dry.
| style="text-align: right;" valign="top" | How to Store
| valign="top" | :
|| Store in a dark cool place, loosely in order to avoid breaking the root. If a powder is desired the root can be rolled along a rock (in a shredding motion), this will then turn the root into a kind of powder. Store between pieces of bark, or inside a rock indentation, by sweeping the powder into the space with a tail.
Detailed Usage Information
Part : Coming Soon
Part : Coming Soon
Part : Coming Soon
Part : Coming Soon

Cache usage

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