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Navigation: Index - Clan Cats - Medicine Cat Training - Medicinal Herbal - Juniper

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Kitsufox--Juniper.gif Cat Given Name: Juniper
Common Name: Juniper
Other Name(s): None
Description: The juniper is an evergreen bush with thick-set branches, narrow bluish-green leaves, small yellow flowers, and purplish berries each containing three-cornered seeds.
Properties: Juniper can be used to ease coughs, other respiratory problems and stomach pain; it can also serve as a counter poison. It can also induce miscarriages, and so should not be used on a pregnant queen.
Related Knowledge
Complaints: Greencough,  Whitecough,  Kitcough,  Chronic Cough,  Snakebite
Symptoms: Cough,  Abdominal Pain,  Envenomation,  Nausea
Local Availabilities *
Group Seasons ^ Details
Icon-tc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png In Sunningrocks.
Icon-rc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png In both margins of the River, especially SilverFall Gorge.
Icon-wc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png In rocky areas, especially SilverFall Gorge.
Icon-sc-no.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall-no.png Icon-winter-no.png Juniper is not found in ShadowClan Lands
Icon-cl.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png In rocky, heathland areas.
Icon-coc-no.gif Icon-spring-no.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall-no.png Icon-winter-no.png Juniper is not found in the Kingdom of Camelot
Icon-cc.gif Icon-spring.png Icon-summer-no.png Icon-fall.png Icon-winter-no.png Juniper can be found sparingly along the banks of the river.
*To find a plant that is not available in an area, it must first be approved by the Game Admins. Please PM one of the Admin Team for that permission.
^ The listed seasons are those in which the herb is ready in some way for harvest. Consult the collection methods below for details.
Collecting & Storing Berries
When to Collect : Early Leaf-fall
How to Collect : Pluck the berry from its calyx.
How to Preserve : Leave in full sun to dry.
How to Store : Store in neat piles.
Collecting & Storing Leaves
When to Collect : Newleaf
How to Collect : Pluck leaves of healthy green color from the plant.
How to Preserve : Lay the leaves in the sun to that they may dry quickly.
How to Store : Store in loose piles in a dry, cool place.
Detailed Usage Information
Berry : May be consumed to ease stomach pains.
Berry : Consume juniper berries to help flush adder poison from a cat's system.
Berry : May be consumed to aid in the relief of nausea.
Leaves : May be consumed to ease coughs.

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