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From Children of StarClan

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Latest revision as of 19:17, 7 June 2017

Adoption Instructions are now available on the Discussion Page
A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of ThunderClan
A Tom by Oakclaw out of RosestormBorn Ashkit in the Moon of the Killingcough (2007)
Living at the age of 27 Moons (2 years & 1 month)
Short Description :
A dark gray tabby tom with dark green eyes
Long Description :
Smokedrift takes mostly after his sire and paternal uncle regarding looks and appearance. He is a solidly built tom, with dark grey broken tabby pelt that lightens toward the muzzle and underbelly, where it is softer and longer. . His tail reflects his name, of average size but particularly fluffy, drifting smoothly through the air whenever it moves. Average sized ears frame his face, dark grey on the outside and a pale gray inside. His oval eyes, surrounded by pale gray fur and topped by the typical M-shaped mark characteristic to mackerel cats, are of a rich green reminiscent of his dame's. His pawpads bear a rosy tone, more vivid than the grayish pink shade of his nose, and while his paws are rather dainty for his frame, the claws are sharp and his reflexes lightning-quick. The biggest of his litter, Smokedrift outweighs his dame and siblings. Whilst thick fur conceals the rippling muscle below, his broad chest shoulders hint that he is built for power and endurance, not speed.
Born an adventurous kit, Smokedrift has lost none of the curious streak that characterized his early moons. He is more collected and cautious than his brother Foxbright, but not by much--he is still an exuberant young warrior, eager to prove his mettle against everything and everyone.

Few things manage to capture his attention for very long. He can establish short-term goals, but if a more enticing project comes along, it gets difficult for him to keep to his original plans. Among the rare things Smokedrift is thoroughly methodical at is hunting; since the first days of his apprenticeship to Fiercestorm, he loved the tracking and stalking of prey and has become a very proficient woodland tracker and hunter.

The issues with authority he had during kit-hood have grown with him, yet have manifested in a different way than they did with his parents: rejecting his dame's opinion of the clanmates she does not like, Smokedrift went on to attempt to befriend those same cats, Flurrytail and Bloodstar being prime examples of such. Furthermore, mentored by Fiercestorm, he was constantly in contact with the more tolerant, balanced side of ThunderClan's leading hierarchy. That fierce yet thoughtful devotion to his clan has always been present in the young cat's spirit--he may have been raised after the end of the Great War, yet his own presumed sire was killed by a ShadowClan warrior in a battle just before his birth, and Smokedrift has plenty of reasons to mistrust the other clans.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Even before he was born, Ashkit's life promised to be eventful. Offspring of a forbidden relationship between Oakclaw of ShadowClan and Rosestorm of ThunderClan, he was born in his dame's clan with no knowledge of his sire. Since he was born to one of the most influential families in ThunderClan, backed up by the security it gives him, Ashkit had no idea about the potential of the turmoil surrounding his unknown tie to ShadowClan, and with his brother Foxkit and sister Owlkit, they focused on growing strong and wrecking havoc in the nursery as kits are wont to do.

Named Ashkit at birth after the dead RiverClan leader Ashstar, Smokedrift knows nothing about it - after all, Ashfur was deputy not too long before he was born, and the name is not unheard of in ThunderClan.

In other litters, Ashkit might have distinguished himself for his mischievous, adventurous nature, but born the littermate of Foxkit, the gray tom's ability for getting into trouble paled in comparison with his brother's born knack of doing the insane. Oft-times, Ashkit tagged after Foxkit, but as the more cautious of the pair, he managed to avoid the brunt of the punishments.

Apprenticed to his idolized uncle Fiercestorm, Ashkit became Smokepaw at six moons of age. The newly gained freedom and autonomy from his dame and the nursery also meant added responsibility, which the solemn apprentice eagerly accepted. The three siblings--now Foxpaw, Owlpaw and Smokepaw--grew in experience and skill under their mentors. Smokepaw discovered a more carefree, trouble-making side to himself, and at the same time it also became apparent he had issues focusing on anything that did not hold his interest.

After gaining warrior name and status, Smokedrift's mischievous nature had hardly changed. As moons passed by, however, age and experience tempered his guile and energy into focus. A skilled hunter and a clever fighter, he was more than eager to prove he deserved to be a warrior of ThunderClan. Combined with Foxbright's mild insanity, this eventually lead to an incident with an abandoned house and a kittypet named Rouge. It ended with the kittypet dead and both of them in trouble for leaving territory and 'claiming' land without permission. Being stuck in camp for half a moon taught him to be a little more cautious in his escapades.
Sire :
Oakclaw (A brown tabby bi-color tom with a dark tail and amber eyes)
Dame :
Rosestorm (A longhaired torbie she-cat with brilliant green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Foxbright (A rich red tabby van tom with one amber and one green eye)
Owlstrike (A blue tabby van she-cat with hazel eyes)
Other Family :
Presumed Sire: Slateshadow (A solidly built silver shaded tom with green eyes)


Beigestrider (A longhaired cream tabby tom with blue eyes) (presumed paternal)
Bloodstar (A huge, foul tempered tom with blood red fur) (adoptive maternal)
Fourclaw (A brown tabby bi-color tom) (paternal)
Tigerpelt (A golden tabby tom with green-blue eyes) (maternal)


Bluesong (A blue-cream she-cat with gentle green eyes) (presumed paternal)
Cottonwhisker (A petite cream and gray calico she-cat with sky blue eyes) (maternal)
Ibisflight (A silver tabby and white she-cat with a short tail) (paternal)


Blizzardfury (A stocky gray bi-color tom with uneven markings and a short tail) (paternal)
Brightkit (A black and white tom) (maternal)
Fiercestar (A level-headed large blue-gray tom with amber eyes) (adoptive maternal)
Mudpaw (A stocky longhair brown tabby tom with blue eyes) (paternal)
Thunderface (A large brown tabby tom with blue-gray eyes and a scar on the left side of his face) (paternal)


Alderleaf (A brown mackerel torbie she-cat with pale yellow eyes) (adoptive maternal)
Cansipkit (A half-sized dilute calico she-kit) (maternal)
Hopestorm (An amber-eyed ruddy-fawn she-cat with a pale underside and tattered ear) (adoptive maternal)
Nightmoth (A blind caramel and brown patched she-cat with subtle tabby markings) (half maternal)
Rainkit (A dilute tortoiseshell she-kit with blue eyes) (presumed paternal)
Skykit (A longhaired blue she-kit with green eyes) (presumed paternal)
Sparrowsong (A gray she-cat with brownish cast, pale underside and primal tabby markings) (half maternal)
Speckledfury (A blue-eyed caramel and brown she-cat with a pale underside and primal tabby markings) (half maternal)


Batpaw (A longhaired blue she-cat with a pale underside and primal tabby markings) (adoptive maternal)
Squallpaw (A lilac tom-kit with a pale underside and primal tabby markings) (adoptive maternal)
Tigerdusk (A young semi-longhaired blue tom with a pale underside and green eyes) (adoptive maternal)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Smokedrift Oakclaw Fourclaw (A brown tabby bi-color tom)
Ibisflight (A silver tabby and white she-cat with a short tail)
Rosestorm Tigerpelt (A golden tabby tom with green-blue eyes)
Cottonwhisker (A petite cream and gray calico she-cat with sky blue eyes)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Fiercestar (A level-headed large blue-gray tom with amber eyes)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
General :
Trivia information about Smokedrift

Born on the 4th day of the Moon of the Killingcough (2007).
Apprenticed on the 15th day of the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2007).
Named a warrior on the 29th day of the Moon of Ill Winds (2008).

This sheet is in glaring need of an update. Getting to it bit by bit, please bear with me.

Beginning Warrior Training Progress

Border Tour – Completed
First Gathering – Completed
The Code (Beginning Level) – Good
Scenting & Tracking – Very Good
Stalking – Excellent
Tactics – Good
Vulnerabilities – Good
Field Medicine – Acceptable
Conditioning – Good
Reporting – Acceptable

Intermediate Warrior Training Progress

Practical Hunting – Very Good
Clan Specific Strategies – Good
Special Hunting Techniques
Chase – Acceptable
Duck – Excellent
Group Flying – Good
Group Land – Good
Raptor – Good (Small raptors only)
Intermediate Hunting Tactics – Very Good
Strikes, Attacks, & Blocks – Good
Basic Practical Combat – Acceptable
The Code (Advanced Level) – Good

Advanced Warrior Training Progress

Hunting Patrols – Good
Advanced Hunting Tactics – Very Good
Advanced Battle Techniques – Acceptable
The Art of Teamwork – Good
Practical Patrol Work – Completed
Visit to Highstones – Completed
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Smokedrift
Litter Record :
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Smokedrift Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
AA CC BB dd ss ww Ll ReRe RR RoRo sese whwh McMc tata spsp dmdm ii o GlGl mm cucu jbjb fdfd pdpd
Smokedrift Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)