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From Children of StarClan

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:After ranting about her feelings towards the act to Bloodstar's son Fiercestorm, Flurrytail's anger subsided somewhat. She's recently kept her anger and other negative emotions in check by meditating during her free time, much like she had done as an apprentice. She's currently on a path of personal self-improvement, by both meditation and focusing her thoughts elsewhere, such as her excitement over Cottonwhisker's young kits and her growing fondness for Fiercestorm.
:After ranting about her feelings towards the act to Bloodstar's son Fiercestorm, Flurrytail's anger subsided somewhat. She's recently kept her anger and other negative emotions in check by meditating during her free time, much like she had done as an apprentice. She's currently on a path of personal self-improvement, by both meditation and focusing her thoughts elsewhere, such as her excitement over Cottonwhisker's young kits and her growing fondness for Fiercestorm.

Revision as of 21:34, 6 August 2008

A Player Character belonging to Nagini


Warrior of ThunderClan
A She-cat by Palepelt out of Lilacear
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
:Flurrytail has a long-bodied, lithe shape that, for better or worse, stands out against a background of bracken and leaves. Her long, silky fur causes her body to have a tapered appearance, hiding scars and forest-hardened muscles beneath a pale shroud. Flurrytail's coat is primarily a milky white color, but her slim legs, small paws, and long tail are a shade of frosty gray, decorated with light tabby markings. The fur of her tail plumes out when freshly groomed, making her tail seem much thicker than it truely is, especially when fluffed out.
Flurrytail has a long, wedge-shaped face and straight profile that ends in a dark pink nose. Her eyes are almond-shaped and deep blue in color. Flurrytail's ears are large and pointed. Like her legs and tail, Flurrytail's ears and face are a frosty gray color with pale tabby markings. The pads of her oval-shaped paws are the same shade of pink as her nose.
:Flurrytail is an intelligent cat, but her knack for learning has often been hindered by her unbridled impatience and boundless curiousity. At heart, she is very friendly and playful, making her perfect for keeping kits occupied and somewhat better-suited for a hunting patrol than a border patrol. To this day, Flurrytail remains a very nosy feline and usually investigates whatever she can, even meaningless owl pods. Flurrytail's playfulness has a dark side in the she-cat's inquisitiveness. She is an eavesdropper, and very good at retorting to any cat, whether verbal or not.
Fortunately for her Clanmates, Flurrytail has mastered the art of keeping still, improving her observance and giving her more patience with herself. Life has lessened the extremely outgoing personality Flurrytail paraded around as a kit, and meditation has stemmed her energy that was once uncontrolled. Compared to all those moons ago, the she-cat has become much calmer, serious, and better for her Clan. However, in the memories of some cats, Flurrytail may always remain a personal nuisance.
Flurrytail also enjoys a good rant now and again, if something gets her riled up enough. Such bursts of negativity are blots on how Flurrytail sees herself. She's recently settled on the idea of improving herself by meditating, in order keep up the image that she wants to portray: that of a clear-minded, friendly, and lively feline.
Key Dates  
Full History :
:Flurrytail was the last-born kit of a late newleaf/early greenleaf litter of the ThunderClan queen Lilacear and the ThunderClan tom Palepelt. The two earlier-born kits in Lilacear's litter, a pair of slightly darker she-kits, were named Creamkit and Pebblekit. For the youngest kit, since she took after her mother with a long, white pelt, Lilacear felt that the name Flurrykit was perfect for newborn bundle of fur, naming her after flurries of snow. One very rainy night, however, all three kits fell sick and Creamkit and Pebblekit were not strong enough to fight off the illness.
Being less than a moon old at the time, Flurrykit was soon unaware that her sisters' bundled shapes had left her side, or even if they had ever been there in the first place. Nevertheless, Flurrykit had an active kithood. True to her nature, Flurrykit played with as many cats as she could, or at least those who would put up with her. Despite her mother's attempts at keeping her from being a bother, Flurrykit frequented the elders' den, always anxious to hear tales of the great Clans--or just whatever the elders were talking about--and maybe swat at a few tail-tips.
Flurrykit straightened up significantly during her fifth moon, after hearing a story about an impatient apprentice who nearly drowned trying to fish from the river, without any cat's permission no less, the old she-cat had said. For the sake of making a better impression on her Clanmates (and maybe becoming an apprentice sooner), Flurrykit stopped squeezing out of the nursery's smallest holes and wandering the camp at night due to her inability to sit still. She didn't want to end up like that apprentice in the story, even if it was just a story.
Finally, Flurrykit's sixth moon came, and it was a little less than eight sunrises later until she was finally made an apprentice. The mentor of the newly-named Flurrypaw came in the form of a tom with infinite patience for the active she-cat, at the price of friendly teasing. This tom was called Stonefoot and he also happened to be Flurrytail's maternal grandfather. Under the experienced gaze of her mentor, Flurrypaw learned the laws of the warrior code quickly, as well as the motions of basic hunting and fighting techniques. According to Stonefoot, Flurrypaw's most noticable flaws were her timing, which applied to both her hunting and battle skills, and her bright pelt.
Though she attempted to fix her camoflauge problem by covering herself in mud, after a day, Flurrypaw gave up on trying to blend in with bracken. Stonefoot greatly praised her for that decision and for a considerable amount of his time, drilled the apprentice in learning the value of controlling herself. For an entire moon, Flurrypaw contemplated the concept of mind over body.
During this contemplation, which Stonefoot dubbed "meditation," Flurrypaw would sit very still for a very long time, with her eyes closed. Clearing her mind, she breathed in a slow, controlled rythym, in through her nose and out through her mouth. During the first sessions, her mentor would join Flurrypaw in the exercise. After a while, he would leave her to medidate by herself, in some area of the camp, while he went off to do something more useful, such as hunting.
Due to the extra training and practice sessions, it took about two more moons before Stonefoot deemed his apprentice ready for an assignment: hunting for the elders. During that task, the nine-moon-old was careful to keep her timing in mind, but she lost a catch to waiting too long, and another to not waiting long enough. Her third attempt was successful, but the prize was nothing more than a skinny, old squirrel. Over time, Flurrypaw's skills progressed and once they were up to her mentor's standards, Flurrypaw became adept at chasing down rabbits with her long limbs.
At the start of leaf-fall the thirteen-moon-old Flurrypaw was renamed Flurrytail and welcomed as a full warrior of ThunderClan. As a new warrior Flurrytail openly opted for hunting as opposed to guarding the camp. Hunting was almost always more exciting than being a sentry, and as her mentor had told her over and over, the Clan could always use more fresh-kill. Aside from few and far between rabbits, squirrels and birds became Flurrytail's preferred prey to hunt. Leaf-bare also became her least favorite season to hunt in.
Rather than because of the lack of prey, Flurrytail disliked the season because of the cold and snow it brought, even though that weather gave her the chance to blend in with her surroundings. That leaf-bare and the leaf-bares to come, Flurrytail enjoyed the days where all she had to do was sit at the camp's entrance and watch snow fall. Even if it wasn't interesting, at least she wouldn't have to trudge through the freezing snow; also, if her shift was over, Flurrytail could sometimes get away with watching kits before an older cat noticed she wasn't working.
Currently in her warriorship, Flurrytail has, in her mind, had more encounters with other forest creatures than she has with enemy cats. Most notably, she has come across a porcupine and an opossum in her days. Her encounter with the porcupine was short-lived as the twenty-eight-moon-old warrior Flurrytail decided that the many quills sticking out of the grayish thing's back were better left alone; the opposum was not so fortunate.
Still a fresh, albeit bored warrior when she first saw the cat-sized thing, curiousity took over when Flurrytail wondered if the opossum was something she could hunt, or at least entertain herself with. The moment she approached the light-tailed creature, however, it fell stiff and curled up aginst the ground. Flurrytail played with the rigid opposum for a short while, until the members of her hunting patrol found her and ordered her to leave the crowfood alone. Despite her protests that the creature wasn't actually dead, the patrol ignored her and she had to abandon the opossum.
More recently, Flurrytail began to think badly of her current leader, Bloodstar. Until the Gathering of the Moon of Tiger's Wrath, she had never had a real reason to feel cross about him. However, after witnessing Bloodstar attack and kill another cat, WindClan's leader Doublestar, at the Gathering, that changed. Even if the killing was in a form of self-defense (a twisted one, Flurrytail decided), Flurrytail was still unable to get over Bloodstar's blatant disrespect for StarClan's truce, which she believes lasts for the full night, not just the Gathering.
After ranting about her feelings towards the act to Bloodstar's son Fiercestorm, Flurrytail's anger subsided somewhat. She's recently kept her anger and other negative emotions in check by meditating during her free time, much like she had done as an apprentice. She's currently on a path of personal self-improvement, by both meditation and focusing her thoughts elsewhere, such as her excitement over Cottonwhisker's young kits and her growing fondness for Fiercestorm.
Sire :
Palepelt (A longhaired white tom with blue tabby points and deep blue eyes)
Dame :
Lilacear (A longhaired white she-cat with lilac tabby points and deep blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Flurrytail Palepelt Duskstep (A longhaired white tom with seal tabby points and deep blue eyes)
Dawnstep (A longhaired white she-cat with frosty gray tabby points and deep blue eyes)
Lilacear Stonefoot (A lithe blue and white tom with vivid amber eyes)
Morningleaf (A longhaired white she-cat with seal torbie points and deep blue eyes)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Flurrytail
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details