

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Fadedcloud out of WhisperwingsBorn Tundrakit in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2005)
Living at the age of 49 Moons (3 years & 9 months)
Short Description :
An arrogant ivory marbled tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Long Description :
Frostcloud has grown into his body and into a rather handsome tom if he may say so himself. The tom often looks pure white. When hit by the sun or illuminated by the moon, his pelt gleams sleek silver. The darker tabby markings are the most prominent feature, as they are a darker gray than anything else. These markings are unlike most tabby markings in that they weave intricate marble-like patterns criss-crossing his body. He’s a medium-large, semi-longhaired cat but his fur lies close to his skin and is very smooth and shiny. It appears longest on his belly and legs, and the plume of his long tail. Through this fur, you can see his supple muscles meant for running across the moors. His eyes are the most shocking thing about him, however. They are, and have been since his birth, an almost unnatural electric blue. They always seem to glow with his excitement and energy.
At a young age, Frostcloud was happy most of the time, concerned with only having fun. His only unhappy memories were the deaths of his parents, but being around his friends always cheered him up. He was also quite a flirt, a quality he still has today, except not at such a large scale. The tom is rather arrogant, which became more obvious as the tom grew older. He thought being the leader’s apprentice was the best, and was worried when he wasn’t made a warrior right away. He thinks high enough of himself, and often takes authority when he thinks other cats are doing a poor job of it. He only cares about respecting the people he respects. The only exception to that rule would be a leader of his clan, who he might not respect, but will act like he does. As he ages, Frostcloud has become more mature and patient, not to mention realistic. He feels himself extremely loyal to his clan, no matter who runs it, due to his sister’s acts. For a while, he was rather mopey and unhappy after being turned down by Petalstorm. Moons later, however, he has grown from that attitude to a witty, sarcastic cat that isn’t afraid to lash out verbally. Frostcloud and his friend Hollyfeather often make fun of the ones they think are idiots, thinking it very fun.
Key Dates  
Full History :
[intro: 0 moons]

Frostcloud was born to Whisperwings in the Moon of Turning Leaves, 2005 as Tundrakit. His father was a new elder, named Fadedcloud. His only sibling was a white she-cat named Icekit.

[moon 1 – moon 6]

Tundrakit, from the moment he was able to think sensible thoughts, was awaiting apprenticehood with a passion. He was a rowdy, active kit who often played with his sister and other kits. He was very close to Icekit and very much enjoyed making friends. Becoming an apprentice was at the forefront of his mind. Soon after his birth he saw his first snow, and this only expanded his possibilities for play.

Unfortunately his mother passed when he was five moons old in the middle of winter. The queen had succumbed to greencough, but lucky enough, neither Tundrakit nor Icekit got the disease. It dampened his moon a bit but he lived an innocent life, not really understanding her passing.

[moon 7 – moon 12]

One of Tundrakit’s crowning moments came only a moon later, when he was apprenticed (a bit delayed due to change in leadership) along with his sister. He was apprenticed as Tundrapaw, and to his delight, to the new leader Doublestar. His sister was apprenticed as Icepaw to the deputy, Leopardtrack. The two remained very close and he considered her his best friend.

However, as the next moon came, it was ravaged by another tragedy. His father, Fadedcloud, an elder, had lived a hard, stressful life through the war. After the death of his mate, he had been feeling worse than ever. Tundrapaw was very close to his father, and when he passed of natural causes, he mourned his death more than his mother’s. He suddenly realized that he was an orphan now, and now the clan was his whole family. The young apprentice became very faithful and loyal to the clan and the clan only.

In the aftermath of their father’s death, his sister Icepaw started meeting up secretly with a RiverClan apprentice, Shadedpaw. Tundrapaw eventually knew of it and did not approve of it at all. Moons later, they were arguing by the gorge about the relationship, and Icepaw fell in. Desperate and instantly guilt-ridden, he looked for some way to save her without dooming them both. But all of a sudden, Shadedpaw himself saved her. Although Icepaw broke it off with Shadedpaw, Icepaw did not forgive him completely and Tundrapaw felt betrayed. The two became estranged, interacting only if necessary.

[moon 13 – moon 17]

To his shock and surprise, at their thirteen moon, only Icepaw was made a warrior under the name Snowdust. Thinking it was some sick joke, he was filled with disbelief that his sister was made a warrior but not he. Was the near-traitor better than him? Was she stronger? His ego took a hard blow. He thought about it constantly, always worried that he wouldn’t become a warrior because he wasn’t good enough. His mentor, being leader, was busy often and couldn’t train him, so he worked harder to show he was worthy.

But he gained two very good friends. These friends in question were Snailtail and Petalstorm. They were there for him through his insecurities when he thought he would never be a warrior.

Finally, Tundrapaw became a warrior at 16 moons. His name was ‘‘Frostcloud’’, after his ivory pelt and his father’s name. He was honored beyond belief about the name and the fact he had became a warrior – he had began to accept his fate as the eternal apprentice – he seemed to gain some maturity although he was still quite arrogant and could still be very hyper.

In the midst of this all, the young warrior began to fall in love with his ginger friend. But she was falling in love with someone else, Blacktip. In the middle of Tiger’s Wrath, when he was feeling on the top of the world, there was a confrontation between the three cats, and it did not end gently for the young tom.

[moon 18 – moon 21]

Frostcloud had spiraled into a state of near depression after Petalstorm had (even if it was kindly) turned him down. But he gained new friends that made him much happier. He bonded with the new WindClan deputy, Blackwater, an elder, Silverdust, and a fellow warrior, Hollyfeather. He found out he had quite a lot in common with these three cats, especially Hollyfeather. The two found they shared a biting wit and a sarcastic sense of humor, and set out together to mock the cats they detested the most: Cricketflight, who had recently been spending a suspicious amount of time with his sister, Hollyhawk, a slow young tom, and Snailtail, one of Frostcloud’s old friends.

As soon as his life seemed to be on the rise, a very good thing happened. He and his sister Snowdust, estranged for nearly a year, finally got over their rift and apologized to each other. They then tried to repair their relationship and spend more time with each other.

In the meantime, Hollyfeather and Frostcloud had been spending a majority of their time together. Rumors spread through camp and much teasing was had from close friends Silverdust and Blackwater. Blackwater even played matchmaker, pairing the two together in assigned patrols. The two took it lightly as a misunderstanding, although he was in denial of his feelings for her as he was afraid of rejection once again.

At the end of First Fishing, the two’s teasing had gotten to a level when Frostcloud finally realized yes, he did love Hollyfeather. Scared senseless by this realization and the depth of this love – it was nothing like the puppy love he had with Petalstorm – he ran off towards Highstones, the only thing he could do with himself. Blackwater followed after him and tried to reassure him, but he did not take his advice. Instead, he ignored Hollyfeather for a moon, much to her pain and confusion.

Only after Blackwater became the new leader of WindClan and left Frostcloud a message from his father did Frostcloud realize what he needed to do. With this message – and something he interpreted as a sign from him – he set out to tell Hollyfeather how he felt. In the wee hours after the Gathering, he stepped up and told her. Her response was a relief and he walked on air for weeks.

[moon 22 – ]

In the moon of the Killingcough, Frostcloud was surprised with some fantastic news. Hollyfeather was going to have kits. A surge of emotions raced through the young tom. He was going to be a father! He vowed to be with his kits much longer than his parents were to him.

When he was 23 moons old, Frostcloud became a father. The emotions he felt were like the ones he got when she had first told him. There were four kits – three toms and a she-cat. He had two kits named after his parents at his request: the brown tabby she-cat was named after his mother, Whisperkit, and the silver one that looked like him and his father was named Fadedkit. Another silver kit was named Rumblekit after his rumbly belly. He had latched onto Frostcloud’s tail to try to suckle. The final kit, a cream tom, was named Echokit after two things: the tom Echofly, who had died to save Thornpelt from the Killer, and his echoing wails.

Becoming a father has been a maturing period for Frostcloud. He is still arrogant and sarcastic, but he has really matured in the past period of time. He gained an apprentice, Lightningpaw, who he is very excited to train, and has tried to spend as much time with his mate and kits as possible.
Sire :
Fadedcloud (A light gray marbled tabby tom with sun-burned fur and graying points)
Dame :
Whisperwings (A lithe white she-cat with bright eyes and mid-length fur)
Full Siblings :
Snowdust (A white she-cat with blue eyes and large feet)
Offspring :
Fadedwing (A silver tabby bi-color tom with brilliant blue eyes)
Whisperstream (A brown mackerel tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Earthstorm (A pale silver tabby tom with pale green eyes and uncoordinated tendencies)
Echobreeze (A young cream bi-color tom with four white paws and green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Frostcloud Fadedcloud Riverpelt (A longhaired blue tabby tom with white paws and chest)
Featherflight (A longhaired silver bi-color she-cat)
Whisperwings Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Hollyfeather (A calico she-cat with blue-green eyes)
Mentor :
Doublestar (A tall, muscular tom with thick dust colored pelt)
Mentor of :
Stonestrike (A lazy dark brown tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Frostcloud
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Frostcloud has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Frostcloud is a Male cat with Long Gray Classic Tabby Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium-large size and Common build. He has Blue eyes and a Long tail. He is of non-purebred decent.
Frostcloud Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
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