
Difference between revisions of "Kitsufox"

From Children of StarClan

m (For Others)
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|start=13 August 2009
|end=17 August 2009
|reason=Spending fair weekend at her Foamfighting group's booth and serving in out Demonstration army.

Revision as of 01:36, 14 August 2009

Kitsufox Has Gone on a Partial LOA

They intend to be gone from 13 August 2009 until 17 August 2009.
Spending fair weekend at her Foamfighting group's booth and serving in out Demonstration army.
This LOA was approved by Kitsufox

Kitsufox is an Artist with the Imagery Project.

Vital Stats
26 Years
Approved Characters
Living Characters
Pending Characters
Character Slots
5 of 4
1 of 1
0 of 1
1 of 0
1 of 1
0 of 1
Under Construction
Please excuse the interruption in this template. Kitsu is currently working on it and all functionality will be restored shortly.

Kitsufox is a warriors fan who was born 8 September 1981. This makes her one of the older people active in the fandom. She is frequently referred to as 'Kit', 'Kitkit', or 'The Fox'. She has also gone by the names 'Foxfyre', 'Nova Starfox', and 'Technica K 17' in various fandoms in the past. She is one of CoSC's Founders and the head Administrator.

A Note To New Folks

I know that I can come across as a bit intense. I appologize for that, particularaly if our first interaction was through character approvals. Underrstand that I have an intense drive where this site is concerned. CoSC is my baby. I've been nurturing it for years and I strive like a lunatic to make it the best game it can be.

Character approvals is where the best and the worst of my intensity shows up. I'm not trying to drive you away from the game. I'm trying to drive you to write the best character you've ever written, for what I think is the best game made in the Warriors Fandom (In my not-so-humble opinion). I want nothing more than to see your character reach our standards, and you to join this hallowed forest.

Don't let me scare you ;) My bark is far worse than my bite.

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Born in a small town, she grew up in a loving (albeit broken) family, under the tutelage of a mother who encouraged individuality and independence. She graduated High School in the year 2000, and attended a Technical School for a short while. She is currently on hiatus from higher education while she comes up with a direction for her life.

Favorite Things


Harry Potter Series J. K. Rowling - A vivid universe unlike anything else
Song of Fire and Ice George R. R. Martin - A fascinating world full of protagonists and wonderfully dynamic characters and political struggles
Keys to the Kingdom Garth Nix - A strange and original romp through an fascinating and intricate world.
The Old Kingdom Garth Nix - Another fascinating and intricate world. Some of the characters make me want to kill them, but overall a great tale.
All Creatures Great & Small James Herriot - Wonderful reading that evokes so many emotions.
Song of the Lioness Quartet Tamora Pierce - I adore the author, and this was the series that let me discover her.


Hackers - I empathize with Dade.
Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Poorly written book with far too much purple prose (Let 'em walk over the hill without 4 pages of history about the hill, thankyouverymuch). Superb movie.
Brokeback Mountain - Sad and depressing, but by gods how often does my slash-happy self get a real movie?
Transformers - Special effects FTW! And a decent storyline and rather good acting. Don't let Shia do Drama. Make him to stick to action.
Jumper - Saw it for the first time randomly and had a good time watching it, even if things were a tad predictable.


Heroes - Dynamic characters and good storytelling make for a consistently fun experience
Home Improvement - I <3 Sitcoms. Slapstick coupled with clever wordplay.
Everybody Loves Raymond - Makes my family seem normal.
Yes, Dear - OMG, it's one part my family, and another part my relationship with Vago.
Good Eats - Alton is my culinary hero.
Top Chef - I have a culinary boner.
All Creatures Great and Small - Can't help myself. Adore it.
My Name is Earl - You'd think it wouldn't be smart given the concept, but it's a very smart show with a redneck twang and an upbeat message.


Arrogant Worms - One part comedy, one part music, all parts great.


Stephen Lynch - Funny singing is fun.
Jeff Dunham - Jeff-fah-fah, DUN-HAM Dot Com
Gabriel Iglesias - He's fluffy.


Despite you explaining that it needs to be explained better in your explanation. Fernwhisker - 7 August 2009


  • Kitsu originally went by the name Bloodstar, but when the requirement for staff to use their ranked character's name she immediately switched to her personal moniker.
  • While many think Kitsu is terribly mean, she's actually rather nice. She completely does not understand why everyone is so afraid of her.
    • She declared Blackheart her Chief of Mis-information on 8 January 2008.
  • Kitsu believes Armis are better than Armies.
  • Kitsu enjoys teasing people with tiny drops of information about coming plots.

Handy Links

For Others

Kitsu's Schedule (In an effort to restore an old service - Now Locally Stored)
Things Kitsu Does and Doesn't Want to See At CoSC (Actually for her, too)
Past Profile Pictures

For Kit

Need Name Histories
Kitsu's Signature
Kitsu's To Do List
Kitsu's Character Tables
Kitsu's Work Page

Chicken Smoothie

Kitsu's on Chicken Smoothie. Enjoy a look at some of her critters.
Adopt your own!